Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Great Race is SOLD OUT @ 14,000

How cool!  Well, it may be utter chaos, but I am happy that the Pittsburgh Great Race is sold out for 2010!!!!

Great Race SOLD OUT

This coming Sunday, I will be running the 10K for the Great Race.  I haven't done a 10K since June, but I hear it is mostly on a decline so I think I can tackle that.  I hope to beat my previous 10K time by about a minute, but that may be a pipe dream.

I also need to let you all know about the running clinic I attended and my new running shoes.  I have fallen behind!!!!!

Including the above subjects to blog about, I still have to do write ups on the Steeler's 5K, Ikea 5K, AND FAAP 5K.  I will do them this week until I am caught up.

If you are running in the Great Race, have a stellar time!!!!